Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hide and Seek....

For many years I struggled with what I wanted to do with my and out, searching, fighting, struggling trying to find that "THING" that made me happy and gave me FREEDOM! I got an expensive Bachelor's degree in Journalism from LIU in Brooklyn (of which I'm still paying for, but that wont be for long). Soon after graduation, I started working in television with a twinkle in my eye. At the time, I thought getting the opportunity to work in my chosen field was a DREAM! After 3 years of going through what felt like wearing 1000 pound weights on my ankles, I made the wise decision to gently back out of that lions mouth.

I soon got into the mortgage industry eagerly awaiting my riches because everyone was hauling in high six figure incomes. The thought of controlling my own time and income (two very important components in my life) was invigorating! However, my enthusiasm was quickly extinguished when I learned the tricks of the trade in the mortgage industry. Lets just suffice to say that I didn't haul in the truck loads of money like most people did because I wasn't willing to financially rape people. I'm still in touch with the mortgage industry for the purpose of future purchases for myself, friends and family but I've slowly backed out of yet another lion's mouth.
Almost 2 years ago, Network marketing emerged into my life. I've always admired the industry but wasn't sure how to work it. It brought another level of experimentation and excitement, but this time "cautious" excitement. I got into the energy business of which I've built to a point of being on automatic pilot and collecting a monthly residual income.

Then....earlier this year a friend of mine called me regarding another business opportunity. Truthfully, when he called me, I just blew him off. I was at a turning point in my life and I didn't want to do or try anything else (what was I thinking!). Thankfully he didn't give up on me! He sent my husband and I some coffee in the mail. The day it arrived, I was suffering from bronchitis and I was taking a steroid and some other medication. I was on meds for days and my cough was still intense. When we got the coffee I decided to try it immediately because of my friend's excitement. Prior to drinking the coffee I was feeling horrible and laying around. About 40 minutes later after drinking my cup of latte my husband brought to my attention that I was no longer coughing. I was like "OMG! You're right!" I was feeling so good that I didn't even realize that the coffee had stopped my cough. That was the first time in days that I had felt some relief! I went to the computer and started researching the herb "ganoderma" (which is in all of our products) and was blown away by what I found. I called my friend, got in the business and we haven't looked back since...I'm grateful to my friend OG National Consultant Brett Shoemaker of Houston Texas.

In the beginning of doing this business, we met many obstacles...namely negative people. I wont lie and say that for a moment it didn't slow down our business a bit, however, we never quit, but at times we found ourselves frustrated and annoyed with the skepticism. I recently came across a quote that said "sometimes success comes in the form of misfortune and defeat!" When you live in a cynical world, a world where so many people have consciously decided to live unconsciously it can be quite difficult reaching people.

Thankfully, through the support and training I've received over the years and in my company, I have decided to nurture the perseverance, determination and success within me. I'm no longer sitting by and watching the ships sailing away without me. My passions are outweighing my fears and I've decided that those that are negative is just unenlightened, so I don't hold anything against those individuals. Even more importantly, I have realized that success lives within me and it's my birthright to live the most opulent life possible. I have found the most profound revelation in my life and I can truly say that finally...I GET IT!

I know my road ahead isn't going to be easy, but my eyes have been opened and my brain is being fine the saying goes "seek and ye shall find!" It's amazing how life unfolds in your favor when you realize success is within your reach and you simply reach out and grab it.

What Am I doing now? Healthy coffee! I'm helping people to change their lives, mind-set and health all in one shot...what a privilege. I've learned that It's not what you do in life, but the lives you touch along the way. We are taking people along with us and if you want to get on board, we are happy to have you, if not, it's ok, you can sit and watch us as we happily sail away into the sunset.
"What the mind of a man can conceive and believe, he can achieve." ~ Napoleon Hill

To learn more go to:

Placing Value...

As humans we all need to be recognized, praised, accepted and feel important, but if we don't validate ourselves and place value on what we do, we will forever wonder around this world, seeking the approval of others...constantly spinning in a vortex of confusion.

Growing up I will attest to the fact that I was always thinking about what I can do that is most profound in my life; what career would be the most affluent and give me the most exposure in terms of recognition. I felt like what I did needed to be defined by society in a profound way so I needed to have a job/career or title that when people met me, immediately gave an impression of prestige and affluence. The vast majority has decided that these titles are the epitome of your profound emergence into society. This is not to throw salt on any title/job/career because I highly regard and respect every profession in this world, whether you clean toilets or have the position of Oprah, Bill Gates or President Obama.

However, as I live and learn, I'm realizing time and time again that if I don't place my own VALUE on what I do and I wait for society to validate me, I will never feel whole.   In today's society people are more educated, but cognitive thinking seems to be at a distance, people have more material things, but have more debt than ever before in history.   Even more frustrating, every other person you talk to hates their job/career and is always looking for a way out.   Truly something in our society is innately wrong and people's priorities are misplaced.

How many times do you come across people who LOVE or even enjoy what they do? I remember years ago, I was in Manhattan waiting for a bus and there was a shoe shine stand right behind me. As I stood waiting for my bus, the gentleman shining shoes caught my undivided attention. He was singing while shining shoes and I had never seen that before! The guy sitting in the chair had the newspaper covering his face while this man was putting his ALL into shining the shoes of a person who could care less about him! As he whistled and sang, he was moving the rag across the guys shoes briskly and he was getting a thrill out of bringing out the most brilliant shine in a pair of shoes....when he was done, he stood back, admired his work and smiled! I wondered at that very moment, why is it that I don't feel like that when working at my job at a reputable TV station! I wondered what was it about that man that made him so happy shining a pair of shoes...a job that VERY few people would be proud to share with the world. I admired him! I was so engrossed in watching this man that I almost missed my bus! I carried that memory with me to this day and finally after about 5 years, I finally learned what he possessed...he placed VALUE on what he does and he could care less about what society thinks about him! He was being the best shoe shine guy that he can be!

I have learned over the years that title has very little to do with our journey on this earth. As long as what I do makes me happy and incorporates motivating and helping people, my life is complete. Whether you are shining shoes or running the biggest corporation in America, as long as long as you place value by holding your job/career/business etc in high regard and enjoy it...nothing anyone says really matters.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Business and Pleasure...

September 6th 2009 Jet Blue pulled up the tarmack in Montego Bay Jamaica and I was relieved.  Since I hate flying, my body was tense for the entire 3.5 hour flight.  As I stood up to exit the airplane, the excitement within me mounted.   We single filed out of the airplane and suddenly the mixture of air conditioning and island heat caused steam to blow from the vents in the roof of the airplane.  One lady thought it a form of welcome and my husband and I giggled.   We made our way through customs and the energy of excitement was on everyone's face.  As we exited customs, we headed over to the superclub resort room where they handed us water and our voucher for our hotel.   A few moments later our bus driver came for us and we followed behind him and the bellhop carrying our luggage....I was so excited, I wanted to skip like a kid in a play ground.  There is something about the caribbean that soothes my mind, body and soul.  Even though I have plans to travel to other countries, the caribbean will forever be my first choice!

We got to the resort and everyone was very pleasant and gave us a smile and welcome.  A gentleman walked around with a cold towel and offered us a drink, I thought "yes, this paradise."  I felt the tension of my usual fast paced living melt away and my body instantly relaxed.   As my husband checked us in, I walked over to the balcony and looked out over the landscape and the sun was shining, palm trees lightly swaying, lush green grass, vibrant flowers and in the distance I saw the turquoise water.  I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh air as the island warmth gave my body a big bear hug...I felt at home.   My husband and I made our way to our room and since we didn't get much sleep the night before, we decided that an afternoon nap would be perfect.   We had a refreshing sleep for a few hours and got up in time to get dressed for dinner.   

Our purpose for this trip is part rejuvination and part work for our business.   While i'm here, I've been taking moments to truly thank God for all his blessings.   I had a brief opportunity to close my eyes and look at my life just this year alone and I'm truly grateful for all the blessings that has been bestowed on me....I don't take God's blessings lightly.   Doing my own business and Traveling is where I professed my life to be years ago and I'm realizing everyday that amazing things are happening because that's exactly where I'm headed.   I call it God, faith, belief in myself, belief in my business and belief in our products.   It's amazing how when you align yourself with the universe, things start to shift in your favor.  

Just two weeks ago I decided to re-read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill (a book responsible for over a million millionaires worldwide) and low and behold, at our leadership meeting our company announced that they are merging with the "Think and Grow Rich" Foundation!  Literally, our company logo will be on copies of their books!  How amazing is that!  To be a part of a company that has products that not only heals your body, but gives you mental clarity is amazing!    As of today my life has changed!  I've been working on transforming my mentality for a while now, but today, everything came together for me!   I realized that if I'm not successful it's no one elses fault but my own and as of today I'm taking FULL responsibility for my health, happiness and wealth....NO EXCUSES!

My favorite quote says it all:
"whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, he can achieve" Napoleon Hill


Monday, August 31, 2009

To my unborn child...

The day I found out I was pregnant with you, I didn't know what to say or do. As I looked at the little white mechanism in the palm of my hand with a bright pink line which indicates "pregnancy" I was floored. I took 3 more tests just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I looked down at what I call my "kangaroo pouch" and I caressed my belly. Tears of gratitude streamed down my cheeks and gathered at the base of my chin and dripped on my hands and down to the floor. I wanted to celebrate more but the years of struggle that i went through trying to get this point, made me cautious.

I sat on my couch and said a prayer for your journey to be safe and for you to be a beautiful healthy baby. Many times I felt like somehow I was forgotten when it came to having children, but my journey of trials and tribulations has lead me down a path of realizing that God never makes a mistake. Sometimes he takes his time because he has a special plan for your life and now, more than ever I get it. I wanted to call all my family and friends but once again, I decided to wait for the right moment. I wanted to wait until you have grown a bit, until the day I hear your heart beat.

That same night I told your father, I waited until after we had dinner. I ate healthy and made sure I chewed every morsel of my food properly, I ate a balanced meal to ensure that you are nourished to the best of my ability. After dinner, I walked over to my desk and picked up my evidence of your existence and I handed it to your father. He looked confused and wasn't sure what it was that i was giving him. I told him to look at it again and suddenly, he jumped up from the table and hugged me so tight I thought he was going to break me into two. His eyes twinkled as he got onto his knees and pressed his cheek to my belly. He looked up at me teary eyed and thankful...he didn't have to say much because I knew what his eyes were saying. Like me, he contained his excitement and we said a prayer for your safe journey.

The proceeding months were happy and uneventful and with each month that you grew, I didn't care about the changes taking place in my body, all i wanted was to hold you in my arms. The night you were born, I was scared because I had never felt pain so palpable, but the anticipation of seeing you somewhat eased my discomfort. As I held on to your father and 3 nurses, i pushed with all my heart and soul; my eyes feeling like they are going to pop out of my head and my body stretching to it's capacity. Suddenly it's like time froze when I heard your cry.  Everyone's face lit up with joy and your father cried out for joy, you made your grand entrance into the world and what a privilege I felt as they laid you on my chest. I cried uncontrollably because of the indescribable love I felt seeing your little face. We steered at each other for some time as i held your little body against mine, i didn't want to put you down, i wanted to savor every minute. Your father wrapped his arms around us and it was like the planet shifted for me. At that moment, my life was changed forever and i promised God that I will do everything in my power to make sure your life is filled with love and happiness. Above all, I promised God that you will know him! Welcome home sweetheart, mommy and daddy loves you.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Change is the only thing CONSTANT!!

Over 3 years ago, I made a decision to leave Television, a field that I dreamed about since I was a decision didn't come easy. After giving myself almost 4 years to check out the news industry, I came to a cross road and I realized that maybe I needed to go in a different direction. This decision was partly due to the hectic schedule of television, the clawing up the ladder and other issues I choose not to mention. I had to decide which direction I wanted to go in and what was more important in my life. After much meditation and prayer, I chose my home life and to try something I've always dreamed of doing above everything else...working for myself!

When I put in my resignation I was scared, but I didn't allow my fear of change to limit I pressed on.  I have yet to have regrets about my decision to branch out and explore my life.
I truly believe God has my back so I've been letting go and letting God do his work. Being independent and working for myself have been very interesting to say the least!  I could never receive the knowledge I've been fortunate to receive from any university on the planet. In addition, I've expanded my social circle tremendously.   I've had ups and downs, but I never let those stop me and I've adopted looking at every experience as a part of a larger picture and try to learn the lesson in everything I do.

There is no doubt that change can be intimidating.  However, it's vital that you identify your goals, believe in yourself and most importantly take action...unstoppable action toward your goals.  If we are not working toward something greater, we will continue to just "exist" on a daily basis. Existing in my opinion is much harder to do than accomplishing goals. Whenever I accomplish a goal I feel exhilarated, my confidence level shoots up and I start to feel like I can do more!   It's also important to note that small goals are made up of larger goals. We sometimes feel like everything we do have to be big, but it's the smaller pieces that add up to the bigger picture and create a steady pace of positive change.

Many are challenged when it comes to facing change, but at the end of the day, it's all about perception. Our world is constantly evolving and in order for us to keep up with the times we have to be open-minded. There is an entire world out here for us to explore.   Step out on faith, try something new, CHALLENGE yourself more and get out of your comfort zone, but know that change wont happen overnight, but it's ok because anything that is of worth takes time.   Get comfortable in your uncomfortable zone!

Success and Prosperity is within all our reach!

Friday, August 28, 2009


WARNING...this post is very graphic and emotional so read at your own risk!!!

You pseudo sophisticated, sadomasochistic, two timing, lying, jealous, envious, evil, conniving heffa! How dare you disrespect me! You don't know think you do, but you don't! You don't like me because you see in me what you will never have or even come close to having. My inner and outer beauty intimidates you because everything about me is genuine and you can't figure me out. You hate me because God has given me something that you feel you can't have. You want to bleed all over me because that's what you do best. You walk around being nasty and then feel good about hurting others because anger is the only thing you know. You are lonely because your heart is cold and hollow. You are suspicious of everyone but the only person you need to be suspicious of is yourself! You want to pull me down on your level but I will never stoop, because you are toxic waste.  

Take my advice and get help! It doesn't matter how you look physically, when your soul is cold and your behavior is venomous, not even a dog will want to get near you. Everytime you try to hurt me, karma will do a 360 turn right back to you and kick you in the behind.   It may seem like everything is going well for a while but one day when you are unaware...the evil you have laid out will strike you.   Moreover, the anger and meanness that you portray is indicative of your unhappiness because happy people don't behave the way you are transparent like scotch tape.

I charge you today to clean up your act. You are in need of professional help!  You need a good counselor for about a year to help you. Even more importantly, you need God in your life. Until you turn your life around, everything that you touch will turn to stone.

I'm a kind hearted person, but I'm not the one to be messed with!

Ps...believe it or not, you too can be happy once you get right with yourself!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Rich people believe: “I create my life.” Poor people believe: “Life happens to me.”

Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.

Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.

Rich people think big. Poor people think small.

Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.

Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.

Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.

Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

Rich people think “both”. Poor people think “either/or”.

Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.

Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.

Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.

Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them. (Eker says that successful people act in spite of this fear. They move beyond worry, they “fake it til they make it”, learning as they go. Unsuccessful people do nothing at all.)

Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.